Accidents Happen?

Artemis had an on purpose accident tonight
I am trying my very hardest to not giggle just a little.

Every night, at bedtime, John, Artemis and Myself go upstairs and start our bedtime routine. While John was downstairs brushing his teeth, and I was upstairs in the shower, Artemis was iher bed….or so I thought. She apparently hopped onto our bed, which she has NEVER done. {except once when it was thundering and she tried to snuggle with me and I put her right back in her bed) While up there, she may or may not have peed a little in John’s spot of the bed. hehehehe.

She got shown what she did, and she knew she was in trouble. John said she couldn’t sleep in here tonight, which broke my heart.

She knows what she did, and while I protest it was an accident, I know deep down it was her picking on John for being the occasional butthead to her because he isn’t a dog person. hehehe that’ll teach him! I mean *ahem*.. Bad Dog.